Moxie Mom On Life and Kids

MOXIE MOM on Life & Kids


Okay, so I’m learning that updating from the road is downright hard. No Wi-Fi in campgrounds that I’ve discovered. Right now we’re staying with a friend in Missoula and I’m tapping into her Internet. And I haven’t downloaded any Yellowstone pictures either, so here are a few quick highlights without photos. Will post a few of those when we’re home in two days.

Yellowstone highlights:

  • Hiking Mt. Washburn to a lookout at 10,243 feet, round trip 6.4 miles. Really spectacular.
  • Horseback riding at sunset. Okay, this was slow and boring, according to Leah—a very canned ride—but the scenery from the trail was beautiful (and canned though it was, my butt hurt all the next day).
  • Driving the Lamar Valley and seeing lots of bison, one even walking down the center line with very little passing room for us. I think it was less than a foot away when we actually got by.
  • Checking out the thermal action, including Old Faithful, which is a trip in itself because of the masses.
  • Walking down 328 steps to get a view of the falls in the Grand Canyon of Yellowstone. (And walking back up again.)


I’m sure there are many more, but this will do for now.

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Road Trip

We are headed out on a road trip tomorrow (Friday) to Yellowstone. Not surprisingly, today is full of getting all our ducks in a row, including, most importantly, purchasing car treats. In our family, car treats are always sugary. I can’t even remember now when the tradition started, but it’s well embedded now.

We also went to the library for books on CD—another tried and true tradition. I have some workbooks stashed, and my mom put together a packet we haven’t opened yet, but I trust it will be good. She’s of the generation that traveled on backroads because freeways didn’t exist yet, and part of the fun invariably involved changing a flat tire or two. Boredom busters are always wise, I’ve learned, but I’m also a big fan of kids staring out the window. And you know, my kids don’t even mind anymore.

I plan/hope to update this blog along the way with our adventures. We’re heading to Missoula to stay with a couple of my childhood friends, and then we’ll head south to Yellowstone. I hear it will be hot and crowded, but we’re still looking forward to it.

Until then, may the weather here continue along its summery way…

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